
Automated data collection and reporting for private portfolios

About the Client

The client, a Chicago based startup company, is a provider of financial data analysis software designed to meet the needs of investment firms. Leaders at the executive level are in search of a convenient and effective way to access essential data for optimizing returns, managing risk, and enhancing operational efficiency. The suite offered by the client will empower investors to assess vast quantities of data with heightened precision and speed, surpassing previous capabilities. This advantage will enable them to swiftly recognize profitable prospects ahead of competitors, ultimately leading to more informed and assured business choices that foster growth in returns within their organization.

What we Did

Saint D took on the pivotal role of spearheading the project's development process. This encompassed a wide spectrum of responsibilities, ranging from meticulously crafting the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design to seamlessly integrating novel features on both the backend and frontend of the platform. Moreover, Saint D played a crucial part in developing a sturdy framework for quality assurance testing, ensuring the platform's stability and reliability during all its operational phases.

The Challenge

Portfolio managers and investors currently face a challenge in obtaining a holistic view of the financial performance of the startups and businesses they have invested in. Despite receiving quarterly reports, there is no centralized dashboard or platform available to consolidate all relevant information. This makes it difficult for them to assess how the businesses they support are faring financially.

The Solution

The client conceived the idea of creating a user-friendly platform that offers portfolio managers and investors a comprehensive view of their investments. Operating on an invitation basis, portfolio managers and investors extend invitations to startups and businesses. These startups and businesses can then set up their profiles, complete with personalized dashboards that enable them to monitor a range of statistics. This includes tracking expenditures, investment inflow, burn rate, and profitability. The platform also facilitates communication between investors and startups, allowing for requests of supplementary documentation and seamless tracking of all interactions. By centralizing information, investors can access everything they need in one unified location, eliminating the need to sift through multiple email threads.

Technologies Used

  • React
  • Apollo/GraphQL
  • Redux/Redux Saga
  • Frontegg Authentication
  • Vite
  • Typescript
  • Hasura GraphQL
  • Apollo Server/TypeGraphQL
  • Docker
  • PostgreSQL
  • AWS Lambda
  • Serverless Framework
  • Cloudformation
  • Elastic Container Service
  • S3
  • RDS
  • Jest
  • Cypress
  • Figma
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